Only Way To Stop A Bad Guy With A Gun Is With A Good Guy With A Gun-Do Not Disarm the Good Guys!

concealed carry1“I stand behind you in line at the store with a smile on my face…and a gun under my shirt and you are none the wiser, yet you are safer for having me next to you. I won’t shoot you. My gun won’t pull it’s own trigger. It is securely holstered with the trigger covered. It can’t just go off. However, rest assured that if a lunatic walks into the grocery store and pulls out a rifle, I will draw my pistol and protect myself and my family and therefore protect you and your family.

I may get shot before I can pull the trigger…but, I won’t die in a helpless blubbering heap on the floor begging for my life or my child’s life. No, if I die it will be in a pile of spent shell casings. I won’t be that victim. I choose not to be. As for you, I don’t ask you to carry a gun. If you are not comfortable, then please don’t. But I would like to keep my right to choose to not be a helpless victim.

There is evil in the world and if evil has a gun, I want one too…

Disarming law abiding citizens will not make you safer.”*

*The original author of this work is unknown. I came across it on Facebook and felt it was a message is timely and appropriate for recent mass shootings. Our thoughts are with all the victims and their families. *

To the politicians wish to disarm law-abiding citizens, we don’t want to be disarmed and unable to defend ourselves and our love ones just like you don’t wish to have your bodyguards/Secret Service disarmed.

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